Compliance & Ethics
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Ethical Management Policy

With the principle of respecting humans, we contribute to society by building a corporate culture that prioritizes fairness and transparency.

Ethics Charter

  1. We will always be “fair,” and “transparent” in following the due process when conducting any business.
  2. We will not abuse our power or dominant position to commit any wrongful act. We will always pursue “win-win cooperation” and “mutual growth” with our partners.
  3. With respect for human dignity, we will build a corporate culture to protect our employees and customers, thereby “contributing to society.”

Code of Ethics

Individuals will keep in mind that their actions can impact the company’s reputation and must not give in to pressure or other unfair labor practices. They must perform their job duties with integrity while abiding by the company regulations.

Prohibition on Pursuit of Private Benefits

  1. We will not conduct any activity that might be a conflict of interest between an individual and the company.
  2. We will not accept money or any form of gifts offered by our partners or stakeholders who wish to influence our corporate decision.
  3. We will not accept entertainment, hospitality, or any convenience from our partners in relation to our business.

Ban on Acquisition of Monetary Profit using Insider information

  1. We will not trade stocks or gain any form of financial advantage using nonpublic information.
  2. We will not improperly use or disclose important insider information.

Protection of Corporate Assets and Company Policy Compliance

  1. Our company’s assets and facilities will be used solely for the purpose of business.
  2. All business activities will be carried out in compliance with the company regulations and processes. Unauthorized loss, destruction, or concealment of company assets within the retention period is prohibited.

Prohibition of Unfair Work Orders and Sexual Harassment Prevention

  1. All employees must treat each other with respect and compulsory work order by a superior at work is prohibited.
  2. Any unwelcomed conduct of sexual nature using a superior position is prohibited.

Charter on Human Rights

We support international standards and norms on human rights and defined the responsibility of employees, partners, customers, and other stakeholders to uphold the same values that we declared in the following “Charter on Human Rights”.
  • We respect and support the international norms and standards on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
  • We do not discriminate against our employees or stakeholders based on race, religion, disability, gender, nationality, or political beliefs.
  • We guarantee the freedom of association and collective bargaining and prohibit any form of forced labor or child labor.
  • We adhere to the fundamental principles and rights at work established by the ILO (International Labour Organization) and promote occupational safety and welfare so that all employees can work in a safe environment.
  • For responsible supply chain management, we will treat our partners fairly in all contracts and transactions and pursue Human Rights Management.
  • We will conduct all business activities in a manner that is not against people’s right to safety. We will protect personal information and guarantee the customer’s right to access information.
  • We will respond promptly and take adequate remedy measures against human rights infringements that occurred during our business activities.
  • We will abide by domestic and international environmental law and commit to disaster prevention and environmental protection.


Daewon Sanup strives to realize ethical values and follow a compliance management system. Registered requests will be processed following the compliance management procedures and the user will receive a reply about the report via email. * The inquirer and the request support team are the only ones to have access to the content of the request and the company protects our customers’ confidential information and guarantees his or her status.
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Types of Reports

  • Private Profit-Taking Fraudulent Behavior: bribery, illicit monetary transactions, receipt of gifts or entertainment, embezzlement and theft, pursuit of private interest, unlawful use of insider information
  • Abuse of Authority and Graft: Unfair work order, human rights infringement, Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment at Work
  • Violation of Fair-Trade Act and Trade Secret Infringement (Misappropriation)

Reporting Procedure

Reporting Procedure
The division in charge will perform an internal investigation and take other necessary steps to confirm whether the content of the report is true. It might take 25 to 30 days to receive an official reply.

Whistleblower Protection

  • Confidentiality: We prohibit disclosing any information about the informant and guarantee complete secrecy.
  • Prohibition on maltreatment of the whistleblower: Employers cannot retaliate or discriminate in any way against the whistleblower for reporting misconduct or making a statement by taking disciplinary action.
  • Liability Reduction: In the case of voluntary reporting by the individual who committed the misconduct, the level of disciplinary action can be reduced or exempted regardless of the nature of the complaint or the expiration of the report period.